校园总体规划指导了uw圣安东尼奥校区的物理和资本发展, 包括百老汇校区吗, 菲克药学院, 罗森博格验光学院, 骨科医学院 and School of Physical Therapy.



The 道成肉身的大学 (UIW) One Word Campus Plan 2020 identifies the property, 基础设施和设施计划对推进大学未来10至20年的战略目标至关重要.

The planning began in the fall of 2017 at the initiative of Dr. 托马斯·米. Evans as he began his tenure as UIW’s 10th president. He envisioned a plan that would be visionary, 战略, 和现实的, 这是一个全面的过程, and participatory resulting in a set of recommendations rooted in UIW’s mission, 历史与社区. 他看到了一个机会,可以利用威斯康星大学最热情、最见多识广的支持者——学生们——的集体天才, 教师, 工作人员, 和受托人——制定一项计划,指导投资项目,确保威斯康星大学在美国天主教高等教育中的发展.


<实验室el for="C-1-1-2017-CampusMasterPlanHighlights" title="_EscaptTool美元.xml (accTitle美元)">2017
  • 校园总体规划 (CMP) initial planning begins
  • 学生活动中心开放
  • UIWSOM opens in four newly purchased buildings on 布鲁克斯大学
  • $1 million investment made in network equipment and WiFi upgrade
<实验室el for="C-1-2-2018-CampusMasterPlanHighlights" title="_EscaptTool美元.xml (accTitle美元)">2018
  • Dober Lidksy Mathey begins col实验室oration with UIW
  • 校园总体规划ning Task Force (CMPTF) established
  • Campus and space analysis and university room inventory undertaken
  • CMPTF确定了六个主要主题,并成立了工作组来更详细地探讨每个问题
  • CMP presented to and approved by the Board of Trustees
  • Daniel Sullivan Baseball Field renovated
  • New turf installed in Gayle and Tom Benson Stadium
  • H-E-B垒球场翻新
  • Ann Barshop Natatorium scoreboard renovated
  • Two small parking lots adjacent to Broadway campus acquired
<实验室el for="C-1-3-2019-CampusMasterPlanHighlights" title="_EscaptTool美元.xml (accTitle美元)">2019
  • CMPTF made recommendations and concluded its work
  • Lake|Flato and SWA complete Spirit Reach Project Study
  • UIW acquires property at 4119 Broadway
  • Dober Lidsky Mathey begins developing Campus Plan V2 in light of property acquisition
  • 向全体教员介绍CMP更新
  • Liza and Jack Lewis Center of Americas announced as anchor tenant
  • Formation of Campus Facilities Committee
<实验室el for="C-1-4-2020-CampusMasterPlanHighlights" title="_EscaptTool美元.xml (accTitle美元)">2020
  • 4119 Broadway building named 创始人霍尔
  • CMP社区更新
  • Mabry网球中心球场翻新
  • UIW purchases three additional buildings on 布鲁克斯大学
  • uw的印章安装在创始人大厅
  • Township Apartments acquired, renovated and opened
  • Lake|Flato - 创始人霍尔 Feasibility Study presented to Board of Trustees
<实验室el for="C-1-5-2021-CampusMasterPlanHighlights" title="_EscaptTool美元.xml (accTitle美元)">2021
  • Broadway Campus academic buildings receive $1.600万技术升级
  • 创始人霍尔 Vision Statement and Major Themes established
  • 创始人霍尔 renovation officially begins
  • AGCM selected to manage 创始人霍尔 renovation
  • 工资单、第九条、人力资源、IT(及其近100名员工)和AVS实验室搬到了创始人大厅
  • 创始人霍尔 parking lot and garage open
  • Spirit Reach trails and pathways concepts further develop
  • Bexar County approved Spirit Reach initial funding
  • 下载澳门赌博官网 area concept development continues
<实验室el for="C-1-6-2022-CampusMasterPlanHighlights" title="_EscaptTool美元.xml (accTitle美元)">2022
  • Architectural/engineering and construction firms for 创始人霍尔 selected
  • 翻新的Dubuis宿舍楼开放
  • 校园总体规划 Addendum completed
  • Board of Trustees approves updated 校园总体规划




位于百老汇4119号, 创始人大厅占地10英亩,包括一座8层的建筑,大约有350人,000平方英尺的办公空间, 一个可容纳500辆车的停车场, and a surrounding lot of hundreds of additional spaces. 该物业将百老汇校区的占地面积扩大了20%,其充足的停车场大大缓解了拥堵.

精心和战略性的改造和设计是改造百老汇校园的最大潜力. 创始人霍尔 is the planned site for the Liza and Jack Lewis Center of the Americas, 以及学术上的, student services and administrative purposes. 另外, 创始人大厅将为行政大楼的居住者提供关键的空间,因为那里正在进行翻新.



改善学术设施包括满足数字和物理基础设施的需求. A $1.600万美元的投资使百老汇校园和菲克药学院几乎所有教学楼的技术能力现代化, 罗森博格验光学院 and School of Physical Therapy campuses. 物理空间的改善和发展是分阶段规划的,将在行政大楼的翻新和创始人大厅的进一步发展中看到.

Students and community in front of Dubuis Hall


通过改善学术和住宿设施,提供卓越的生活和学习环境是UIW资本优先事项的根本. 翻新后的Dubuis Hall和Township Apartments支持学生住房需求的增长,并提供更高的居住体验.



Honoring our natural and spiritual heritage is another focal point of the capital priorities. “精神之源”项目是由道成肉身的慈善姐妹会发起的,作为圣安东尼奥河步道的延伸,穿过百老汇校园,通向河的源头蓝洞. Spirit Reach的愿景支持改善户外和步行体验, landscaped paths on the Broadway Campus. Spirit Reach将建立另一条从创始人大厅到希尔德布兰德北部校园其他地方的步行走廊. 另外, 灵达提供了进一步的机会,以突出自然景观和历史联系,我们的相邻姊妹事工.




As with the previous renovations and improvements to the Daniel Sullivan Baseball Field, H-E-B领域, Gayle and Tom Benson Stadium and Mabry Tennis Courts, 今后的工作更强调安全, 股本, 学生运动员的经历, 以及观众的体验. The next phase will include renovations to Benson Fieldhouse, 麦克德莫特集会中心, with further improvements to Sullivan Field and H-E-B领域.

UIW 骨科医学院 facade


首页 to UIW’s 骨科医学院, 布鲁克斯大学 is located in a fast-growing, but traditionally medically underserved area of San Antonio’s Southside. The recent purchase of three additional buildings on site greatly expanded the campus, which now counts seven buildings totaling 265,000平方英尺的教室, 实验室, 模拟, 研究, office and campus life space and spread over 23.5英亩. 另外, 新建筑开辟了建立跨专业学习综合体的可能性,将目前位于城市其他地区的UIW其他健康专业项目结合在一起.



校园总体规划包括大学的长期愿景,其概念跨越未来20年. 未来将实施的其他项目包括改善百老汇校园的招生空间,为游客和校园游览提供理想的位置. 健康设施和户外休闲区/特色也是需要解决的长期项目之一. 相应的, pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns will be addressed to ensure maximum efficiency.

<实验室el for="accordion-set-2-1-UIWCampusMasterPlanningTaskForce-" title="_EscaptTool美元.xml (accTitle美元)">UIW校园总体规划专责小组

校园总体规划源于校园总体规划专责小组的工作。, which provided initial leadership and institutional insights.

UIW selected the team of Dober Lidsky Mathey, Inc., campus and facility planning consultants, 和体育PLAN工作室, athletics and recreation facility planners, 协助规划工作.

管理方案工作队成员就总体规划应处理的重要因素提出了建议. From the responses, the task force identified six major themes:

  • 学术基础设施
  • 业务服务及营运
  • 校园经历
  • 健康的职业
  • 交通与安全
  • 标准及政策

These themes were discussed and later in the process, 建立研究小组,负责进一步调查每个主题及其对校园计划的影响. 研究小组由CMPTF成员主持,并邀请其他uw社区成员加入他们的观点和专业知识.

The team also conducted interviews with a broad cross-section of UIW 教师, 学生, 工作人员, 以及受托人在他们的责任和关注的各个领域中征求他们的观点和专业知识. From these interviews, campus planning goals were identified.

The plan proposes major projects on the Broadway campus and at the Brooks City campus. 这些倡议已被组织成战略驱动的顺序,预计将在20至25年的时间内分四个阶段实施. 在整个规划过程中始终确定的最优先的设施项目是对Columkille行政大楼(AD)的全面改造。, the university’s “Old Main” and architectural icon. 相应的, the plan begins with this major project. 这座建筑对大学至关重要,必须彻底翻新,以解决维护问题,并以尽可能高效的方式创造一个高质量的环境.

虽然上述强调主要项目的描述假设实施时间表为20至25年, 在推进uw的战略和校园总体规划目标方面已经取得了重大进展.