
Achieve excellence in UIW’s undergraduate educational program by providing students several High Impact Educational Practices (HIEP) options as part of their academic experience.


High Impact Educational Practices (HIEP) are evidence-based strategies that engage and challenge students in ways that develop their self-awareness and ability to deal with complexity, 多样性, 和改变. HIEPs are embedded in a liberal education to provide students with broad knowledge of the world as well as in-depth study of a specific area of interest. “A liberal education helps students develop a sense of social responsibility, as well as strong and transferable intellectual and practical skills such as communication, analytical and problem-solving skills, and a demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings.” (American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)



  • Implement 1st year seminar for all matriculating FTIC students by Fall 2020 [Assumption - 1,每年约000名学员].
  • Secure Title V grant to support mentoring by Fall 2019.
  • Implement a structured internship tracking process by Spring 2020.
  • Increase the number of Learning Communities (LCs) from approximately 18 to 50 by Fall 2021 to ensure that all matriculating FTIC students enroll into a Learning Community [Assumption - 1,每年约000名学员].



Students Teaching Students: Cardinals 访问 Elementary School in 墨西哥

Twenty UIW students traveled to Tierra Blanca, 墨西哥, for a unique learning experience that included first-hand learning from students of Chupitantegua Indigenous Primary School.

卫生专业学生 quijotes

UIW 卫生专业学校 Plan to Participate in Health Mission

如果条件允许, UIW health professions faculty and students, are planning to once again travel to 墨西哥 as part of an interprofessional health mission.


UIW Students Share, and Win, at Texas Academy of Science Meeting

Sixteen students from UIW’s School of Math, Science and Engineering attended the Texas Academy of Science’s 125 th annual meeting and presented posters and research projects.


uw收到$2.9M Grant to Fund Mentor Program

美国.S. Department of Education grant will fund FLIGHT: Financial Literacy, Integrated Guidance and Health program to provide transformational, multi-pronged mentorship to Hispanic and low-income students.


Vaxambassadors Receive Training & 支持疫苗工作

Interfaith Youth Core’s Faith in the Vaccine $32,000 grant funded 17 students for training and organizing a clinic promoting COVID vaccination.

uiw health professions student speaking

卫生专业学校 to Join Health Mission

After a two-year hiatus, health professions faculty and students are planning to participate in the 词典 of San Antonio Interprofessional Health Mission trip to Oaxaca, 墨西哥, to help provide care to impoverished communities.


UIW Receives Major Gift from Laredo Trust

An $85,000 donation for the Primary Care Residency Programs at the Laredo Medical Center from the Matias De Llano Charitable Trust to help ensure quality healthcare.


UIWSOM Launches First Mobile Medical Clinic

The 29-foot vehicle will allow medical students and faculty to deliver services to the community and act as a training ground for the healthcare workers of tomorrow.